Sulaibiya, also known as Al-Sulaibiya, is a suburban area located in the Al Jahra Governorate of Kuwait. Spanning approximately 12 square kilometers (4.6 square miles), the neighborhood is home to around 38,000 residents. Established in 1980 as a camp for Bedoon (stateless) people, it was later transformed into a residential community in 1982.
The area is known for housing a significant Bedoon population, a marginalized group facing legal and social challenges, including lack of citizenship, discrimination, and limited access to employment, education, and public services.
Sulaibiya also features two industrial zones, home to numerous warehouses and concrete factories, alongside agricultural and dairy farms. The residential sector consists of 10 blocks.
Currently, plans are in place to relocate the entire neighborhood to a new site in Al-Naayem, as part of a larger development initiative for the region.